Welcome to my blog

vineri, 26 noiembrie 2010


Dumnezeu nu vă dă oamenii pe care îi vreţi;
El vă dă oamenii de care aveţi NEVOIE... ca să vă ajute, să vă rănească, să vă părăsească, să vă iubească şi să vă transforme în persoana care aţi fost destinaţi să fiţi.

Femeile au puteri care îi uimesc pe bărbaţi.....
Îndură greutăţi şi cară poveri,
Dar îşi păstrează fericirea, dragostea şi bucuria.
Zâmbesc atunci când ar vrea să ţipe.
Cântă atunci când ar vrea să plângă.
Plâng atunci când sunt fericite
şi râd când sunt nervoase.
Se luptă pentru lucrurile în care cred.
Se ridică împotriva nedreptăţii.
Nu acceptă "nu" drept răspuns
atunci când cred că există o soluţie mai bună.
Suportă lipsuri pentru ca familia lor să aibă de toate.
Merg la doctor cu un prieten speriat.
Iubesc necondiţionat.
Plâng atunci când copiii lor au succes
şi se bucură atunci când prietenii primesc premii.
Sunt fericite când aud despre o naştere sau o nuntă.
Li se frânge inima când le moare un prieten.
Jelesc la pierderea unui membru al familiei,
totuşi sunt puternice atunci când cred că nu le-a mai rămas deloc putere.
Ele ştiu că o îmbrăţişare şi un sărut
pot vindeca o inimă rănită.

femeile sunt de toate mărimile, formele şi culorile.
Conduc, zboară, merg pe jos, aleargă sau îţi trimit e-mailuri
ca să-ţi arate cât de mult le pasă de tine.
Inima unei femei este ceea ce ţine lumea în mişcare..
Ele aduc bucurie, speranţă şi dragoste.
Ele au milă şi idei.
Ele oferă sprijin moral familiei şi prietenilor.
Femeile au lucruri vitale de spus
şi totul de oferit.



vineri, 19 noiembrie 2010


What motivates people to change?
   This is a good question,because a lot of things can motivate people to change.I give you an example.People who are smoking they are motivated to give up smoking for their health.In my opinion they are motivated to change for a better life,for a better health,but also for their own good.When you decide to change,you don't know if it will be good or not, but still try to see as.It is a risk that you assume,and only then you will know if you made the right decision.In my opinion  you better try, to see how it is and then if  you don't like it feel bad  , but to not try and then  be sorry that you have not tried.
    So,now it's your turn to answer to this question.What motivates people to change?What is your opinion?

vineri, 12 noiembrie 2010

My most valuable photo 1

Here I insert a photo,which to me is very important.For me it symbolizes something important,and that it's your job to find what it means for me this picture.

joi, 11 noiembrie 2010

My most valuable photo

I have choose this photo,because it reminds me of the end of the school in 2008 and of graduation.When I graduated I was afraid of the baccalaureate exam,but I got over well,and now here I am at university.
  In this photo I am with a colleague,who also is a very good friend.Of high school I have good,but also bad memories.I like it at school,because in that moment of my life I had not concerns.Also I liked at school because there I had many friends.That's all about this picture.

luni, 8 noiembrie 2010

What do you think

What do you think about the most pressing global issues of the day, issues such as hunger, homelessness and moral decay of mankind.

vineri, 5 noiembrie 2010


Hy everyone!
   Here we will talk about Actimel yogurt from Danone.The advertisment is advertised by Leonardo Doroftei,a well known champion at WBA.Now I will make a short description of yogurt.
   This type of yogurt contain besides L CASEI DEFENSIS ferment,B6 vitamin that contribute at normal functioning of immune system.Actimel have a refreshing taste, it like the whole family and it's ideal for breakfast.
   I think parents buy this type of yogurt for their children just because is advertised by Leonardo Doroftei,and children wants to be like the Grand Champion.
What you think,is it true or not?Do you like Actimel?But the advertisment,and who appear in it?

joi, 4 noiembrie 2010


Here we will talk about margerine,and I wait your opinions about them.
    In my opinion Rama margerine it's the best margerine and I personally  choose  to use "Rama Yoghurt " ,because it have a delicate and fresh taste.I like it very much because from all,it's the most healty.It contain fats and vegetable oils,vitamins,and others,which are essential for vision,strong bones and for proper functioning of the immune system.The report quality-price is very good compared with other types of margerine.
  I recommend all of you to use it with confidence because is the most healty from all.