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vineri, 19 noiembrie 2010


What motivates people to change?
   This is a good question,because a lot of things can motivate people to change.I give you an example.People who are smoking they are motivated to give up smoking for their health.In my opinion they are motivated to change for a better life,for a better health,but also for their own good.When you decide to change,you don't know if it will be good or not, but still try to see as.It is a risk that you assume,and only then you will know if you made the right decision.In my opinion  you better try, to see how it is and then if  you don't like it feel bad  , but to not try and then  be sorry that you have not tried.
    So,now it's your turn to answer to this question.What motivates people to change?What is your opinion?

6 comentarii:

  1. Can you think of a situation in which you changed a lot? Why? In my case growth and maturity and maybe bad experiences made me change my attitude.

  2. I ate three years ago in the train station a hot-dog with spoiled mayonnaise and that's why I got in the hospital and the doctors found that I have "salmonella" virus.The treatment lasted six months,and since then I am careful what and especially from where I am eating.In this moment of my life I have changed a lot,because now I am afraid to eat in public places.

  3. a very good reason is enough to let you to change. changing is not easy but it can be done if you really want that.

  4. What a good question...I need to think about it....In my opinion bad experience can make you to change your attitude,your way of thinking about it.If you like the speed at cars,and you have a accident,after you can change ,because you remain with trauma.

  5. You're like this because you want to be like it.If you really want to be different, you were already in the process of change.- Fred Smith...It's so true what said Fred Smith,because you can't change if you don't want.

  6. All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another. ~Anatole France
    I agree with this guy :))
